
thoughts from a software engineer

Quest Personal Backup Strategy - Part 3

May 04, 2010


Shows a portable Hard drive and part of a laptop

This is my final post on my personal backup strategy. In this post I am going to state which service I decided to go with. At the end of my last post I couldn’t decide between Backblaze and Mozy since I liked both backup services.

They both had excellent products and I couldn’t really fault them in any area. So it finally came down to personal preference and I decided to go with Backblaze.

I started my free trial again and had about 13 GB backed up with the trial period. I then purchased the yearly subcription ($50). I first started to backup all important folders and used the exclusion list to avoid backing up certain folders. After that I backed up the rest of my data, I now have a total of 20 GB backed up on Backblaze.

Just a little information on how I tested the services. I built two virtual machines and setup the two services on each machine. I would drop different file types and sizes to see how long the backup would take. Also I checked how long it took for me to be able to access the data from the website.

I have been using Backblaze for over a month and am very happy with the service they provide. I haven’t had any issues with browsing the internet while a backup was in progress.