
thoughts from a software engineer

Quest Personal Backup Strategy - Part 2

March 30, 2010


Shows a portable Hard drive and part of a laptop

This second post is to clarify questions I had about some of the cloud based backup solutions. I haven’t tried out Jungle Disk, since the pay as you use storage costs would be too expensive for me. Also with Jungle Disk you would need to pay for the product and the storage costs. This would be expensive for me and so haven’t investigated the service further.

So for me personally it has come down to either Mozy or Backblaze.


  1. User can customise the backup sets.
  2. Mozy account can be used to backup more than one computer
  3. If you supply a personal encryption key, the contents of your files are encrypted, but you can still view the file names from the web interface. I like using my own encryption key, but having to download a decryption utility means that I can’t easily get my data on another machine.


  1. I like that if you supply your personal encryption key you don’t have to use a decryption tool to retrieve your data. This makes it easy to get your data from another machine.


I have used both products and can’t really make up mind on which one I like better. Both products have their salient features. I’ll update this post when I finally decide which product I want to go with.

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